New this year: Enrollment deposit is $250 of which $100 is a non-refundable enrollment fee and $150 is refundable and will go towards your camp balance.

Deadline for refundable deposit of $150 is April 21, 2025

  • Camp Registration requires a $250 deposit per child

Suggested Amounts

Camper Information

1. Upon acceptance of your registration and payment of deposit, a place is reserved for your child in the JCC Day Camp. If for any reason the enrollment must be canceled or changed, the camp director and finance department must be advised in writing. New camper enrollments will not be accepted after May 30, 2025, however, changes may still be made with approval by the camp director.

2. Camp registration now includes a $100 non-refundable registration fee as part of the initial deposit, additional deposit fees are refundable and will be put towards your camp balance. Changes to a camper’s schedule after May 16th will incur a $40 administrative fee per instance of changes. If the JCC Day Camp needs to close, full refunds will be issued to families affected. Should an individual need to quarantine during any of their registered weeks, we will work with that family to reschedule their camp week and/or discuss a partial refund.

3. This application is accepted subject to a physical examination of the child by a physician. A medical form is provided or you may provide a standard physical from a doctors office (valid within one year) and a list of immunizations. Medical forms must be on file prior to the first day of camp. All forms can be uploaded directly onto your child's campsite account.

4. Registration is an acknowledgement that the parent/guardian grants permission for the child to participate in the JCC Day Camp. The parent/guardian assumes all risks and hazards incidental to the conduct of activities and transportation to and from the JCC and anyone connected with the program from any liability associated with the Program. By enrolling you automatically agree to adhere to the family code of conduct.

5. The JCC has permission to use photographs/videos of the camp for publicity purposes unless a written statement contrary is on file prior to the start of the camp season.

6. Camp balances must be paid in full by June 1, 2025. Failure to pay prior to the start the camp will forfeit my child’s place in the JCC Day Camp.

Almost done. Where should we send the confirmation?

RegFox Event Registration Software